Dear all,
Tom Robinson of BBC 6 Music has kindly been playing 'Reflection' for the past few weeks on his show 'Fresh On The Net'.
We were invited in to the 6 Music studio last week to face the 'Inquisition' and a chat. In short, a number of questions prompting a quick response from us and we did our best under these pressures to deliver some witty remarks. After that Tom himself chatted with us about our recent sold out release of E.p 1.
You can listen back to us being interview by Tom via our soundcloud below. Simply follow the link and hope you enjoy.
Red Drapes BBC 6 Music Interview with Tom Robinson 'Fresh On The Net' by RED DRAPES
We were suitably pleased with our complimentary Terry Wogan postcards and BBC visitors badge, which we hope will be one of many.
6 Music is very important to new bands and it simply has to stay. We are very pleased to be a part of it.